Their Colours and their Forms cover image

Their Colours and Their Forms

Artists’ Responses to Wordsworth

Their Colours and Their Forms: Artists’ Responses to Wordsworth is the catalogue for an exhibition shown at the Wordsworth Museum, Grasmere, 2 February – 10 March 2013.

It features the work of a number of notable contemporary artists, and offers a series of imaginative responses to the English romantic poet, William Wordsworth.

The project uses Wordsworth’s life and poetry – and the manuscripts of William and Dorothy displayed in the Museum – as the inspiration for sculpture, poetry, calligraphy, electronic music, AV work and a number of ‘creative walks’ in the Grasmere area of the picturesque Lake District.

This publication is extensively illustrated with artworks and poems that have been specially conceived for the exhibition and catalogue, by artists, composers and creative writers including Tim Brennan, Mike Collier, David Harsent, Manny Ling, John Strachan, Robert Strachan, Brian Thompson, Sam Wiehl, and Tony Williams.

Published with the Wordsworth Trust.

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