
Brass Art

Brass Art are Chara Lewis, Kristin Mojsiewicz and Anneké Pettican, three artists based in Manchester and Glasgow, who have worked together since 1998. Galanty presents documentation and commentary on their recent projects.

Brass Art explore real space and virtual space by positioning themselves as drawings, shadows, digital sprites and performers. Sometimes they seek privileged vantage-points from which they can oversee the architecture of the city; occasionally they trespass or occupy seemingly inaccessible realms. Central to this is their examination of thresholds or liminal spaces and the gap between public and private experience. As modern day flâneuses they travel unimpeded. For each of their journeys they select appropriate accoutrements: an anonymous suitcase customised with neon signage and battery, a self-drawn map, a disguise. Brass Art are interested in exploring the rich potential of old and new media. Texts by artists Nick Crowe and Sharon Kivland provide an insight into the themes and sources of the artists’ work, providing a compelling insight into their visionary world.

Published by i3/Aye-Aye Books.

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