Big Sign – Little Building

The exhibition Big Sign – Little Building at the Office for Contemporary Art Norway in 2010 addressed the expanded temporal and spatial field for cultural production resulting from the modern shift in the notion of landscape from the Kantian sublime to the space of leisure time.

Big Sign – Little Building also addresses how artists such as Charlotte Posenenske, Ed Ruscha, Robert Smithson, and Jeff Wall, who further challenged such traditional notions of space in order to explore new interpretations of landscape within the fields of aesthetics, art and architecture without succumbing to any one category.

The exhibition was inspired by a seminal project developed by the architects Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour, who, in their book Learning from Las Vegas (1972), drew from existing critiques of urban space at the time to explore the role that signs and billboards played in providing order to the landscape.

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